The Exquisite Corpse Project

The Exquisite Corpse Project is just an elaborate excuse to draw for fun, meet new artists and possibly create the world’s longest continuous drawing. Join us!


Want to jump in?

  1. SIGN UP and wait for your turn.

  2. Spend up to 2 days on your drawing using the template provided.

  3. Upload your artwork.


Digital or Analog

You can approach this as a:

  • Drawing

  • Painting

  • Photograph

  • Design

  • Collage

  • Even cross-stitch, if you’re crazy like that.


Connect your artwork

You will receive a Photoshop template that includes a tiny slice of the previous artist's section. Look for some of the dominant elements and try to connect your artwork to those areas.


Pass the baton

Don't forget to extend parts of your artwork off the right edge so that the next person has something to connect their artwork to.


Upload your artwork

Save a JPG at 1600 x 3600 pixels and UPLOAD HERE.


 Artist Lineup