Rediscover your love of drawing.



Join our community of creative professionals who love to draw!

We’re a group of artists, designers, teachers, photographers, illustrators, writers, musicians and creative misfits. Drawing is our passion.

It makes us happy and keeps us out of trouble. But life gets in the way at times, and we lose sight of the things we love. We know we can’t do it alone, so we’re here to make the journey together.

If you want to start drawing again, draw more often and learn a few things along the way, then you’ve found your tribe.

Get on the waitlist so you don’t miss out when we reopen the club!


We believe in:

  • Cultivating a more consistent creative habit

  • Fighting for time to be creative

  • The power of showing up regularly

  • Imperfection, spontaneity and vulnerability

  • Self-motivation, discipline and action

  • Creating art for art’s sake

  • Pushing our creative comfort zones

  • Connecting with fellow artists for advice, encouragement and ideas


We stand against:

  • Being too busy to make art

  • Waiting around for inspiration to strike

  • Perfectionism, procrastination, paralysis and overthinking

  • Expectations, rules and pressure

  • Ideas that never make it onto the page

  • Taking yourself and your art too seriously

  • Doing it alone

So what’s included?

Fresh-baked content each month, delivered weekly.


Artist Talks / Q&A

This club is all about helping you embrace drawing as part of your creative habit. It’s not about learning a specific style or method. But it is about learning how other artists work and integrating that into your own practice. So each month, we’ll invite a guest artist to share their work, process, insights and tips.


Drawing Challenges

Drawing prompts are a huge part of our community for so many reasons. They help you get going, break creative ruts, shift your thinking, spark new ideas, and explore different approaches and techniques. They’re an excellent catalyst to keep you making art.


Mindset Discussions

The greatest obstacle that stands in the way of our creativity is usually ourselves. Fear of failure, fear of a blank canvas, self-doubt, questions of originality, procrastination…the list goes on. These inner voices never go away, so we need to acknowledge them and move the fuck on! Discussions are hosted on Zoom each month.


“Drink & Draw” Hangouts

The only thing better than drawing is drawing with friends. But how many of us actually do that? This is a time for us to hang out (virtually), sip your favorite beverage, talk about art, share stories and draw. We’ll pick a theme or draw each other. It really doesn’t matter, as long as we’re drawing.


Group Critiques

Our monthly critiques have quickly become a popular part of the club. Our relaxed and honest approach helps bring everyone together without the trauma of art school crits. It’s a great way to get unstuck, to hear how your work inspires others, and to gain new insights about your creative practice.


Creative Community

It’s not always about the results, but the journey. And who wants to travel alone? Finding a community that shares your passion and understands you is where it’s at. Everything that’s vital to your practice – inspiration, motivation, discovery, accountability, support – is so much easier when you find your tribe.

What’s the cost?



Monthly Membership

  • Monthly Drawing Challenge

  • Monthly Mindset Discussion

  • Monthly “Drink & Draw” Hangout

  • Monthly Art Critique

  • Private Community Platform (Not Facebook)

  • Lock in this low price for life



Annual Membership

  • Monthly Drawing Challenge

  • Monthly Mindset Discussion

  • Monthly “Drink & Draw” Hangout

  • Monthly Art Critique

  • Private Community Platform (Not Facebook)

  • Lock in this low price for life

  • BONUS: Two months free when you pay for the year!


Member Benefits

If you’re uncontrollably foaming at the mouth right now, chances are you would make an incredible Founding Member.


Build it with us.

This community is for YOU and it’s gonna be amazing. Why not help shape this experience to get the most out of it?

Grab the best price.

Get the lowest price that will ever be offered. When the price goes up, yours will forever stay the same.

Connect deeply.

There’s no doubt the founders will develop a deeper connection to this community and to each other.


Hi, I’m Brian.

I’m a graphic designer and illustrator living in California.

It’s been a fun ride, but despite my creative career over the past 20 years, I lost my way with the very thing I love most… drawing. Except for the occasional art show, random doodle or birthday card, I had nearly abandoned creating art for art’s sake. Eventually, the thought of drawing for myself grew into fear, regret and so many other negative emotions.


Surprisingly, 2020 turned into a greater disaster than what was already going on in my head. That gave me a chance to rethink everything, along with a good friend’s persistent advice and a few inspiring books to help dig me out of my own creative grave.

Now I’m looking to connect with other people who can relate to any of this! It’s lonely out there, so let’s stick together and slay all of the lame ass reasons why you’re not being creative for yourself.

I’m here to encourage you to just shut up and draw!


“I prefer to call it Team Shut Up & Draw! I’ve spent so many years backing up the voices of others that it feels good to finally get to have my own.”

— Nancy, Accompanist/Coach


“This is a big deal for me! Before joining this group, I was not painting daily and not drawing at all. The #7daysofdrawing challenge really helped me get back in my game. Now I am creating at least 5 days a week! Woohoo! Thanks for this group and all the encouragement and feedback :)”

— Jamie, Artist


“For those of you who missed out on last night’s Drink & Draw, you missed a good one! Arguably overshadowed only by the great company and conversation. Thank you, Brian, for hosting these every month! I look forward to them always!”

— Ted, Creative Director



Is this club for creative professionals only?

For the most part, yes. We want to build a community of like-minded people with shared experiences so that we can support one another. However, we recognize that people aren’t solely defined by their profession. So if you feel strongly about joining, then go for it! We’re excited to meet you!

Who is this club for?

Artists, graphic designers, web designers, teachers, photographers, illustrators, writers, musicians and everyone in between. It’s for those of us who have always had a passion for drawing but let life get in the way of practicing it. It’s all about creating for ourselves, not for another client.

Who is this club NOT for?

If you’re wanting to learn how to draw for the first time and just looking for drawing tutorials, we’re probably not the best fit for you.

Will this be too basic for me?

That depends on what you’re looking for. This community is all about helping you maintain a newfound drawing habit. While we do occasionally talk about tools and techniques, we’re mainly here to provide a creative social experience, not to teach the foundations of drawing.

Will this be too advanced for me?

No way! This isn’t academic training. We just want you to draw. That’s it. Your journey is your journey.

Are we talking about traditional or digital drawing?

Both! But we lean towards traditional drawing. Our drawing challenges are mostly focused on concepts, rather than media. So you can stick with what you know or experiment when you’re up for it.

What is the purpose of this community?

Above all, we want to get you drawing again. How often is totally up to you – daily, weekly, monthly. But we strongly encourage everyone to set some expectations for their creative practice and schedule time for drawing, rather than waiting until it’s convenient.

As a community, we’re here to support, inspire, and learn from each other.

What happens after I join as a founding member?

After you choose your membership plan (monthly or annual), you will receive instant access to the community platform which is the hub for everything we do. You will also receive an email about how to get started and how you can help guide us as we continue to build the foundation of the community.

Can I get a refund if I don’t like the club?

Unfortunately, we don’t offer refunds for either the monthly or annual plans, but you are free to cancel any time. We’ll be sad to see you go.

Follow our journey.